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The importance of diseases and contagio prevention in a tomato crop

The use of resistant varieties is the starting point for disease control. By planting a tomato variety that is resistant to a certain disease, the likelihood of that disease affecting the crop is significantly reduced. The use of certified seed also helps to ensure that a resistant variety is being planted. An important practice is proper soil management. The soil should be properly plowed to ensure good drainage. This helps reduce the presence of pathogens in the soil. In addition, the time between plowing and planting should also be controlled to reduce risks. The use of manure on the soil is also recommended as a method to increase fertility and prevent the spread of diseases. It is important to remember that insects can also be vectors of plant-borne diseases such as tomato mosaic, downy mildew and powdery mildew.

Therefore, it is important to control the insect population surrounding the crop. This can be accomplished by using insect traps, maintaining grassy areas, proper rotation, and using insect chemicals only when necessary. Damaged plants are prone to disease and spread to other plants. Growers should avoid over-fertilizing, working in the soil in wet soils, and handling plants with care not to damage them. Irrigation is a key aspect of preventing the spread of disease. Growers should keep irrigation below the necessary amount to avoid stagnation of liquids. This will keep the soil from becoming too wet, a perfect condition for disease development. In addition, sprinkler irrigation rather than irrigation can reduce the spread of infections between plants. Elimination of disease-affected crops is also recommended. Growers should regularly check their crops and immediately remove plants showing disease symptoms.

The soil must be well drained and enriched with organic matter.

Diseases caused to a tomato crop by over-handling

Tomato cultivation is a staple agricultural activity and an important food source for many parts of the world. However, over-manipulation of tomato crops can lead to the emergence of new diseases, which can affect the availability and quality of ripe fruit.

Before going into detail about which diseases can affect tomato crops, it is important to understand the concept of over-manipulation. This refers to farming practices that involve manipulating soils and the origins of organisms on a scale that is not part of natural evolution. This means that a farmer may use chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, as well as practices such as over-irrigation or over-planting to provide the tomato crop with the best possible conditions.

However, over-manipulation practices have a negative effect on the soil, crops and environment, both in the short and long term.

This can lead to the emergence of certain diseases that can affect the tomato crop. One such disease is tomato ringspot, a disease caused by the fungus Alternaria solani. This disease is characterized by ring spots on ripe tomatoes and in some cases, maturity and quality are affected. The most common way to control the disease is to bypass affected crops and rotate crops.

Another disease that can affect tomato crops is tomato bacterial tristeza, caused by the bacterium Clavibacter michiganensis. This disease causes loss of color, yellowing and desiccation of the fruit. To prevent the spread, growers must carry out work to remove the remains of the previous crop and prevent the spread of pathogens through disease.

Tomato bacteriosis, caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas vesicatoria, can also be a problem for growers.

Tomatoes are climbing plants, so they will need some kind of support to grow vertically.

Proper use of trellis mesh

The proper use of trellising netting is a key factor in the success of growing tomatoes in rural environments. Although it is an expensive resource, there is a good reason for the investment. With properly placed trellising netting, crop productivity can be improved and damage from pests, diseases or adverse weather conditions can be reduced. Taking the opposite route and not using mesh for trellising can have some disadvantages in growing tomatoes. These disadvantages include:

1. Increased exposure to disease: When tomatoes do not have support, as provided by tension netting, they are more susceptible to developing diseases due to wind or rain, which can damage their leaves and fruit. This can result in significant crop loss if proper measures are not taken to protect the tomato, such as treating pests with herbicides.

Reduced fruit set per plant: If tomatoes are not supported, their stems do not reach an optimal height so that their fruits can take direct sun. This directly causes a frustration of the fruits that could have a larger size and weight with the help of the netting. In addition, tomatoes can break easily when the branches are supported solely from the ground.

3. Inefficient growth: When tomatoes lack netting, they suffer from inefficient growth, i.e., there is more space between the stems which slows down their development. Because of this, it is more difficult for growers to maintain a balanced supply of water and nutrients to the tomatoes.

4. Poor fruit quality: Fruits do not have the flexibility to spread clearly and freely when there is no netting support. This results in fewer, smaller and lower quality fruits. This directly affects the grower’s income, which could be increased with a netting that provides good support.

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